Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Favorite Spot

I think I have officially found my favorite spot in Rome: in among the columns of the northern arm of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City.

It is peaceful here. I can still hear the noise of scooters and tour buses going through the gates in the Vatican wall nearby, and I have to contend with throngs of tourists to get here, but once I'm here, nestled safely in the cool shade of the columns, everything but the dull murmur of the masses and the chime of falling water ceases to matter. I sit in my sanctuary and watch children chase pigeons and listen for the bells that toll the hour, and I am perfectly at ease. If I sit here long enough, the pigeons stop minding my presence and come to share my stripe of shade for a bath or a nap after gorging themselves on tourists' bread.

All in all, it's not a bad way to spend an hour or an afternoon, alone or with friends, the stone cool against my back, the starred ceiling above me, and pilgrims and pigeons alike going about their merry way all around me.

Interesting side note: Did you know that pigeons can sneeze? It's actually quite cute and rather epic, as they tend to hop a little bit and then shake their heads in confusion.

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