Friday, October 15, 2010

I used to think Alice was an idiot.

So much trouble and so many questionable decisions, just to get into a garden: drinking magic potions, eating giant mushrooms, taking advice from crazy people, abusing hedgehogs and flamingoes (you know that croquet game couldn’t have been fun for either creature) for the amusement of a homicidal queen, the list goes on and on. Just to get into a garden she glimpsed through a keyhole.

I now know how she felt. I just spent the afternoon in the most beautiful garden I’ve ever seen. It is the garden at the Villa d’Este in Tivoli, about an hour east of Rome. The garden is built in terraces going down the hillside behind the villa, and it truly is a Wonderland. My camera died partway through the trip, but I still feel that I got enough good pictures to let them speak for themselves:

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