Wednesday, March 17, 2010

All Roads Lead to Rome

Well, maybe not all roads, but mine does at least. That's right: I'm headed to Rome. Come September, I'll be studying at the University of Arkansas Rome Center in the heart of the Eternal City!

"Why is she talking about the fall now?" you might ask. "Isn't it a bit early?" The answer: No. Not at all. In fact, had my original plan worked out, this would be a year late. You see, my roommate Bailey and I were supposed to have been in Rome last fall, but our program was completely overhauled, and the trip was cancelled. We weren't even going to go this fall, thinking that the upcoming program is only for European Studies/Architecture students. Luckily, one of our professors informed us that we'd still get a ton of Historic Preservation credit (not to mention field experience!) for going. So, several weeks and several trees worth of paperwork later, here I am, starting a travel blog.


  1. Don't forget that we also get to help Fredrick missy! you are giving a false record here. I'm sorely disappointed.

  2. I'm not to that part of the story yet. Patience is a virtue....
