Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Thing I've Got Help...

It’s advising time here at the U of A. You’d think that getting advised would be pretty simple for me, right? Walk in, say hi, pick some classes from the very limited list of those offered at the Rome Center, and leave. Well, you’d be wrong.

I was.

I met with my Classics advisor for the first time on Monday, and not only did I walk out of Dr. Levine’s office with a plan for completing the Classics portion of my degree once I return from Rome (two Classics-related courses per semester and Latin until the day I die – Not really: only three more semesters), but I also left with instructions to meet with two other professors. I met with Dr. Fredrick, who helped me figure out which Rome classes will count toward my Classics degree, right after leaving my advisor’s office. Then, when I finally got back to my dorm (after running a boat load of errands all over campus – I still haven’t finished all those forms I told you about before Spring Break), I emailed the other professor to set up a time to meet with him for Anthro advising. I am meeting with him next week.

I have some of the best professors on the planet. Not only did Dr. Levine and Dr. Fredrick work together to get me where I needed to be as far as Classics is concerned, but Dr. Fredrick informed me that he may be stealing me away from Rome in October to help him with his research on the Bay of Naples. He has applied for a grant to do survey work at one of the ancient Roman cities destroyed by Vesuvius. Dr. Paradise, another of my professors, has also told me I will be helping him with his research in Rome. He’s going to be making a triage map for preservation of the historic buildings and monuments in the city for the “Superintendent of Good Culture” (How cool is that title!?!?). Dr. Fredrick and Dr. Paradise were the two who wrote letters of recommendation for me when I applied for an Honors College Study Abroad Grant. Apparently, they said something good, because I just found out last night that I got the grant!!

Like I said, best professors on the planet!!

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