Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mightier than the Sword

They say that “The pen is mightier than the sword.” I guess that’s a good thing, because, while I feel I am rather adept at using a pen (or pencil, or sharpie, or bit of chalk), I have absolutely no experience when it comes to using a sword (though, as my brother can attest, I have been known to use lawn chairs as rather effective weapons on occasion).

I have decided that I have undertaken an epic quest to get to Rome. Luckily (or unluckily, depending on my mood), there are no fire-breathing dragons, riddle-dealing sphinxes, or purse-snatching rogues for me to overcome. Instead, there are only the sometimes (though rarely unreasonably) crabby secretaries, mountains of paperwork, and sneaky payment deadlines. As the little side tasks to be completed along the way (you know the ones I mean: help the potions dealer gather ingredients so he will give you an invisibility potion to help you sneak past the Cyclops), I have advising appointments.

I’ve met with my advisors in Classics and Anthropology, and I met with Dr. Fredrick about Classics credit for Rome classes, and I met with Dr. Paradise about which classes to take for Historic Preservation, but I’m still not done yet. I have to meet with my regular advisor (though there’s really nothing regular about him – he’d probably be the legendary young wizard who knows all) tomorrow for “Study Abroad Pre-Approval Advising.” A little ominous-sounding? Like “cross the Bridge of Doom?” Hopefully, the legendary wizard will get me through it.

Sadly, my partner in this epic quest has fallen in battle, or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that she was captured by the enemy? I’m not sure exactly what to call it, but the point is that Bailey will not be going with me on my journey to Rome next fall. Instead, she’ll be staying here to learn to scuba dive and take Anthropology classes. If this were a real fairytale quest, I’d be sitting in the tavern right now, toasting her memory, or storming the castle with my band of misfits in a daring rescue attempt. But, alas, I do not drink, and rescue seems impossible, so we’ll have to settle for going out to see “Clash of the Titans” tonight. My daddy’s treat.

1 comment:

  1. Update on "Clash of the Titans" (SPOILERS):

    As a movie, it wasn't bad. The special effects were impressive. The actors were well-cast. The plot kept moving forward.

    For a Classics geek's movie, it was not so good. Io & Perseus together? Djinni in the *Greek* desert? The hero turning down the damsel in distress?

    Oh, well.... It was worth a shot anyway.
